Grant Projects
Partnership for Environment between Turkey and Poland

Partnership for Environment between Turkey and Poland

Project Reference Number: TTGS/121

Coordinator Beneficiary: Mersin Metropolitan Municipality

Co-Beneficiary(ies): Leszno Municipality-Poland – Sustainable Development Association-Turkey

Location(s) of the action: Mersin-Turkey – Leszno-Poland

Duration: 12 Months

Total Budget: 144.102,25 Euro

Objective of the Project
•To establish a sustainable town twinning partnership between Mersin - Turkey and Leszno - Poland by reinforcing the implementation of EU Environment Policy at local level.

Activities / Outputs

•Experts of both municipalities will conduct a research on waste storage, transfer, adoption to climate change, disinfection, hygiene. 
•Two joint workshops on mainstreaming environment at local level will be organized in Mersin and Leszno. 
•A strategy paper for a better civic participation to town twinning partnerships in environmental policies of local administrations will be published in Turkish and Polish and a conference will be organised in Mersin to share the results.
•Mutual study visits will be organised to learn about the experiences of Leszno Municipality in Poland on environmental policies at local level A partnership agreement will be signed between two municipalities. 
•A comparative study on the EU Environment Policy will be carried out and published. Two focus group meetings with CSOs and other non-governmental bodies regarding the implementation of these policies will organised in two countries.
•Two PCM trainings for municipality experts will be organised to develop the capacity of local authorities both in implementation of the EU acquis and in project preparation and implementation at local level.
Ten informative videos on the selected best practices (regarding the environmental implementations of selected cities) will be produced in English and Polish subtitles. An online trilingual course on EU Environment and Climate Change Policy & EU Acquis on Environment will be developed.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate for EU Affairs

Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi 2082 Cad. No:5
06530 Çankaya / ANKARA
Tel: +90 312 218 13 00

Technical Assistance Team

WYG Binası Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi 2128. Sokak No:14 
06520 Çankaya/Ankara  
Tel: + 90 312 219 77 55